Lead in Homes
Hundreds of Kent County children are needlessly poisoned by lead every year. To help children thrive and succeed in life, we need to ensure that the homes where they live are free from lead hazards. Lead poisoning is 100% preventable. If homes are made lead safe, children will be protected.
What is Lead?
Lead is a naturally occurring metal that has been added to various products, most notably lead-based paint.
When ingested, lead travels through the blood stream to the brain, nervous system, kidneys, and other organs. Lead can then be stored in bones, leading to long-term exposure.
Since 1978, Federal and State regulations have banned the sale of lead-based paint. However, lead is still found in the majority of older homes and in the soil around them.

The Source
An estimated 90% of all childhood lead poisoning cases in Kent County are the result of deteriorating lead-based paint and lead dust found in the home. This dangerous dust can be found in any home built before 1978, the year lead-based paint was banned. More than 85% of the housing stock in the City of Grand Rapids, and many others throughout Kent County, were built before 1978.
Who is at Risk?
Infants and toddlers have the highest risk of being lead poisoned, especially when they begin to crawl and become mobile. All children living in older homes or high-risk communities should be tested at their one and two-year well child visits.
There are no reliable symptoms of lead poisoning. Waiting for symptoms is dangerous, as visible symptoms come too late —after long-lasting damage to the child. Instead of relying on symptoms, parents should get a blood test for their child at one and two years of age as recommended.
Health Impacts
Lead poisoning in children causes life-long brain damage. Even small amounts of lead can have negative effects on children:
- Brain damage
- Poor physical growth and development
- Social problems
- Behavioral problems
- Problems in school, learning disabilities
Lead poisoning is 100% preventable! Making homes lead-safe prevents children from being poisoned.
Click here for the Lead Hazard Control Program
To learn more about making homes lead-safe, contact the Healthy Homes Coalition of West Michigan at (616) 241-3300.
Lead Paint Safety (861 KB)
A Field Guide for Painting, Home Maintenance and Renovation Work. Great guide for DIY home renovation.
MDHHS Lead Safe Home Program (493 KB)
A Michigan Department of Community Health program that offers inspections and repairs for lead.
Guide to Lead Safe Renting (338 KB)
What to look for when shopping for a new apartment or rental home.
Check Your House for Lead (84 KB)
A checklist to make sure your house is lead-safe.
Limpieza en una manera segura del plomo (208 KB)
Un guía para una limpieza segura con plomo que ayuda a reducir los niveles de polvo de plomo en el hogar.
Lead Safe Cleaning (655 KB)
A guide to lead-safe cleaning that helps reduce lead dust levels in the home.
AAP Guidelines for Elevated Lead Levels (110 KB)
Guidelines from the American Academy of Pediatrics and the Pediatric Environmental Health Specialty Units on how to respond to children whose blood lead test results are higher than 5.0 micrograms per deciliter.
MDCH Guidelines for Testing Kids (108 KB)
Guidance from the Michigan Department of Community Health about testing children for lead poisoning.
State of Michigan Certified Lead Inspectors (28 KB)
A list of State of Michigan Certified Lead Inspectors and Risk Assessors in the (616) area code as of 9/13/2018.
Lead in Water
In west Michigan, lead in drinking water is rarely identified as the primary route of exposure for children with elevated blood lead levels. While lead exposure through drinking water is possible, EPA-mandated testing results for west Michigan communities consistently report that the lead content in municipal water supplies is below EPA guidelines. In Grand Rapids, the most recent testing results available (2022) report lead levels as below the action level in Grand Rapids’ water.
While this is good news, water testing can only provide lead content at one moment in time. Water testing cannot guarantee that your drinking water is safe 100% of the time. In order to assure safe drinking water, use an NSF-approved water filter or refer to this Filter Guide by the Environmental Working Group.
Potential Hazards in Drinking Water
The City of Grand Rapids is required by the State of Michigan to replace all 20,000 lead service lines by 2041 at City cost. Typically, this occurs during scheduled road work so that the City can replace lead lines as efficiently as possible. Once a project is planned for the street the City of Grand Rapids will contact resident and owner about replacing the lead line to the house at City cost.
If you are contacted by the City of Grand Rapids, please have the owner sign and return the Water Service Agreement that gives the City permission to replace the lead water service line.
The owner can replace the private-side lead water service line at their own expense before the City makes the replacement. A plumbing contractor can provide an estimate of the cost. If they wish, the owner can spread the cost over 10 years using the City’s Ten-Pay program. They will pay a small interest rate. Contact Water-Sewer Services at watersewerservices@grcity.us or 616-456-4100 for more information.
You can read about the City of Grand Rapids’ water quality here. The City’s water meets or exceeds all the requirements of the Safe Drinking Water Act. The City samples drinking water in 50 homes each year to better understand the lead and copper levels in the system. The City then uses corrosion-control measures at the water filtration plant to ensure lead levels are controlled and exposure to lead is minimized. However, no level of lead is safe. Lead can enter the drinking water when the water is in contact with a lead water service line or some plumbing fixtures. If your water has been sitting for several hours, the City recommends that you run your water for at least five minutes to flush water from both your home plumbing and the lead service line.
Information on lead in drinking water, testing methods, and steps you can take to minimize exposure is available from the Safe Drinking Water Hotline at 1-800-426-4791, at www.epa.gov/safewater/lead, or at www.michigan.gov/mileadsafe/learn/water.
If you are concerned about lead in your water, you may wish to have your water tested by a certified laboratory. Nearby laboratories certified for lead testing include the State of Michigan Drinking Water Laboratory (517-335-8184), Prein & Newhof Laboratory (616-364-7600), and Alliance Analytical Laboratories (616-837-7670). Contact the State of Michigan Drinking Water Laboratory at 517-335-8184 for more information. The City of Grand Rapids tests 50 homes each year. Visit www.grcity.us/watersampling to learn more about the sampling program and apply to participate.
For information about other lead hazards in the home, you may want to contact the City of Grand Rapids’ Lead Hazard Control Program at 616-456-3030 or lhcp@grcity.us. The Michigan Saves Lead Poisoning Prevention Fund is an accessible loan product. Both of these programs can help you assess the home for the presence of lead-based paint and related hazards. Please contact the Lead Programs Specialist at communitydev@grcity.us for more information. If you are concerned about your child’s exposure to lead you can talk to your doctor about blood lead testing.
You can read more about the City’s Lead Service Line Replacement Program.
- After your lead water service line has been replaced you should flush your water service line and plumbing. To remove potential sources of particulate lead, remove faucet aerators from all cold water taps and open all taps, including those without aerators. Let the water run for 30 minutes. Back flush and clean out your aerator before reinstalling. The City will provide homeowners who flush their water system after a lead water line has been replaced with a one-time credit on their next water bill upon request. Flushing Instructions from the City of Grand Rapids are available here.
- Clean out faucet aerators regularly. Particulate matter containing lead can get caught in faucet aerators and contribute to increased lead in drinking water. While this is especially important following water service line replacement, the Healthy Homes Coalition recommends cleaning out aerators each month regardless of service line status.
- Use NSF approved water filtration [more info on NSF-approved filters for lead] for two years following a service line replacement or until your water tests at a level with which you are comfortable. While the EPA sets an allowable limit of 15 parts per billion for municipal water testing, the EPA “has set the maximum contaminant level goal for lead in drinking water at zero because lead is a toxic metal that can be harmful to human health even at low exposure levels” [source: EPA]. According to a CDC report, “Residents of properties where plumbing work has been done, including partial replacement of LSL, should take precautions such as using bottled or filtered water until they are sure that the water lead levels are below the EPA action level of 15 ppb” [source: CDC]. It should be noted that partial replacements of leaded service lines are not permitted in Michigan.
- Consider conducting private water testing to assure that your drinking water is safe.
- Special precaution should be taken by parents who are formula feeding children since such a significant portion of their diet depends upon the quality of the water source and because infants are undergoing rapid neurological development that can be negatively impacted by lead exposure.
Are you wondering if your service line contains lead? The City of Grand Rapids has an informative map that shows if the public and/or private side of the lead service line contains lead for customers receiving water from the Grand Rapids Water System.
Plumbing Components with Lead Content
According to the EPA, the most common problem with lead in plumbing components is “with brass or chrome-plated brass faucets and fixtures with lead solder, from which significant amounts of lead can enter into the water, especially hot water” [source: EPA].
The EPA says, “Homes built before 1986 are more likely to have lead pipes, fixtures and solder. The Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) has reduced the maximum allowable lead content — that is, content that is considered “lead-free” — to be a weighted average of 0.25 percent calculated across the wetted surfaces of pipes, pipe fittings, plumbing fittings, and fixtures and 0.2 percent for solder and flux” [source: EPA]. This reduction in allowable lead content for plumbing products (pipes, pipe fittings, plumbing fittings, and fixtures) only recently took effect in January of 2014. Previously, plumbing products with up to 8 percent lead were considered “lead-free”.
Many local water service providers in Michigan including the City of Grand Rapids add phosphate to the water, which results in such components being covered over time with a protective coating that helps minimize exposure to lead.
The Healthy Homes Coalition recommends replacement of lead-containing plumbing components at the end of their service life with lead-free products or sooner if water testing shows elevated lead content in household water.
More information on lead in plumbing components can be found at these helpful websites:
How to Get Water Tested
The State of Michigan and other certified laboratories offer water testing for lead. For a fact sheet complete with contact information, click here.
If you have a lead service line, the Healthy Homes Coalition recommends a second sample that captures water that has been sitting in your service line. Click here for a sample protocol on how to collect both a “first draw” and a second sample that collects water that has been sitting in your home’s service line.
Please note that water testing can only provide lead content at one moment in time. Water testing cannot guarantee that your drinking water is safe 100% of the time. In order to assure safe drinking water, use an NSF-approved water filter. These filters can be found for less than $30 (does not include cost of replacement filters). Free filters are available through GettingAheadOfLead.com.
KCHD Lead in Water Flier (101 KB)
A simple handout from the Kent County Health Department alerting to risks of lead in water and what you can do. Includes no and low cost tips.
Don’t Miss This Opportunity! (83 KB)
A flier from the Healthy Homes Coalition about how you can save money on lead service line replacement.
February 5, 2016 City of Grand Rapids Media Release on Water (431 KB)
Grand Rapids Water System lead level at all time low.
January 26, 2016 City of Grand Rapids Media Release on Water (106 KB)
Grand Rapids Water System provides answers to consumer questions.
2018 City of Grand Rapids Water Quality Report (268 KB)
A report from the City of Grand Rapids on lead in water as required by the federal Lead and Copper Rule.
State of Michigan Water Testing Fee Schedule (137 KB)
Information from the Michgan Department of Environmental Quality about how to get your water tested.
Kent County Water Testing Instructions (124 KB)
Information from the Kent County Health Department about how to get your water tested.
Service Line FAQ (444 KB)
FAQs for SL replacement in a construction zone.